Dumindya Kariyawasam Welcome to my personal site

Home About me

I’m Dumindya Kariyawasam and I am 27 years old. I live in Fresno California. I am originally from Sri Lanka where I attended my high school. I’ve obtained a bachelor's degree in Accounting in 2019 at the City University of New York, United States. I completed a minor in Finance during the same period. I am currently studying Web Development at Fresno City College, Fresno. I’ve always been interested in pursuing my studies abroad and achieving success though whatever hardships that come my way. I believe this is due to me growing up in Asia where there are high expectations of academic success as well as the fascination to get more exposure and understanding of the world I had since I was a child.

My passions are listening to music, watching movies, gardening, cooking/baking, and also my most favorite thing; traveling around the world. I like to keep myself busy, so I challenge myself to learn a new language in as best as I can using whatever sources I have around me. It has been so challenging but also so much fun. I love to solve problems. Whether it’s finding the most elegant way to write a line of code or figuring out which cord fits best into a progression, I love the challenge of finding a way and discovering solutions. Maybe that’s why I started my second degree in web development – the constant need to resolve.

I want to try my best to be the most successful and happiest person I can be. I’m very ambitious when it comes to my goals in life. My major objectives in life are to be the best daughter/wife/sister to my family and to be a successful person in my career.

This site is a collection of information about myself, my education, my work experiences, and interests; I hope you can learn more about who I am with what’s on here.